Can`t Pay…

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Trond Jensen


Today i did some more tests.

Now it works fine on the Computer bote Chrome and Edge.

But i still can’t pay on phone and Ipad.

Were you logged-in while trying to checkout?
Yes, and No… Tryde bote not working

Original message:
When i hit “Pay Now” i get this message:
<div id=”error”><p class=”wpdberror”>WordPress database error: []<br />SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM nnb_ahm_orders</p></div><div class=’alert alert-info’>Database error detected. Please try deactivate and then reactivating plugin.</div>

I vil test on more devices later today...

Here's some screenshots from my phone


Trond Jensen

I had a friend test on his computer at another location.

He get the same problem, error message when trying to pay.

He sent me this Screenshots:



Sorry for the delayed reply, please give me temporary wp-admin login info and FTP access to plugins dir to check your issue in details.


Jahanur Miah

Database error detected. Please try deactivate and then reactivating plugin

support me also

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