Button Templates Add-on is Missing Image

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Aaron Yeagle

Just started working with your plugin.
I added the Button Templates Add-on but the product icon is missing. The image link is download-manager/assets/file-type-icons/epub.svg
I have checked in that folder and there is no epub.svg but there is a pub.svg that looks like a .doc file image. Doesn’t quite look like a book but it would do; unless you have one I can add.



Aaron Yeagle

Also, the number of downloads is not being displayed.

Here’s a screenshot. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wfbb0znxv5ma0rm/Screen%20Shot%202020-07-20%20at%201.26.28%20PM.png?dl=0

Please note: I changed “Download” to “Downloads” and I uploaded an epub icon.

The number of downloads, though, is something I will need you to show me how to fix.


Nayeem Riddhi

If you have uploaded epub icon for dynamic display. then it should display the epub icon. Can you point out on your issue, please?


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