I second this completely. I spent hours upon hours dealing with simple issues that arise from trying to import a slightly complex directory structure containing many files. On the bright side, it forced me to learn Automator for mac, then eventually how to use AppleScript. Plus I had to download and learn to use lots of specialty software like Path Finder and File List Export. I’m finally on the cusp of getting my slightly complex and large file hierarchy onto my site.
Overall, still great software, probably the best out there. But it would be nice to have a plug-in that alleviates the subdirectory sickness.
Edit: a lot of the difficulty comes from creating categories in WP that correspond to the hierarchy of directories. If you’re facing the same difficulties as I did (having a slightly complex and large hierarchy of directories), here’s a few things that I learned:
1. The bulk-term-generator plug-in (not a WPDM plug-in) is very useful for batch importing custom categories and building the taxonomy (Shaon was a life saver for recommending this to me!). It won’t cut out all the work, but it helps.
2. For Mac users: File List Export ($5 on the Mac App Store) is an easy way to get a list of all files contained recursively within a directory.
3. For Mac users: This took me forever to figure out, and the issue has been mentioned in passing elsewhere on this forum. If you are using MS Excel 2011 (that’s what I have, not sure if this applies to other versions) to create a CSV, you must do the following to properly ‘Save As’ CSV…
You must Save As ‘Windows Comma Separated (.csv)’, NOT as Comma Separated Values (.csv).