Audio Player – Progress bar not working (rewind/fast forward)

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Ron Barack

Everything else seems to work, but audio.currentTime always resets to 0.


Ron Barack

It seems like the headers are not correct in the HTML containing the stream…


Nayeem Riddhi

Has the problem been solved? let me know, if possible, share your file URL too



Ron Barack

No, problem is not solved. The Javascript wants to set currentTime, but this doesn’t seem to work of the HTML Headers are not correctly set. I’ve tried to modify what settings I could, for instance, to make the download restartable, but nothing seems to make any difference.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Ron Barack

I don’t need to provide a bug on my site, the bug is easily reproducible in your web site.

Look at the video in

While the video is playing, you should be able to jump ahead or back using the progress bar. But the video just keeps on playing.

This is slightly different than the behavior for audio, which resets to zero, but I’d be surprised if this is not just an effect that the different players.

The bug seems not to occur on Firefox, but on Chrome and Safari.

This night be a useful post when trying to address this bug;

Thanks in Advance,


Ron Barack

I have also noticed that when I select “Open in Browser”, the download does not play.

I’m uncertain now if this is being acknowledged as a bug and will be fixed in some future release, or if I am just being ignored.


Nayeem Riddhi

I shall try to update about this soon



Nayeem Riddhi


If your video download is public, please attach the video from the media library, then it will work better, we are working on it updating the feature



Ron Barack
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