Allow Premium Packages AND Memberships to work alongside

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Juan Gordo


When we bought this plugin to create our website, one of the things that attracted us to it was that it had both memberships and one off purchase facilities. Exactly what we needed. Our members would be able to browse and download while non members and guests would just be able to browse and make one of purchases of anything they needed, or choose to become members.

Sadly having both functionalities available forces the members to get files via the cart while browsing the site or try to find the hidden “my downloads” page on the dashboard and figure out what file they were looking for in a big long uncategorised list, which is far from ideal.

What I would suggest is that when a member browses the site the purchase button gets replaced with a straight download button and they don’t need to go via the cart.

Is that possible? Sound simple enough. The site already knows whether the user is a member or not

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