After Adding documents to website, page will not load or loads intermittently

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Steven Goard

The reference page was working when there were only ~7 documents , but I noticed that the reference page stopped working once I had added 91 documents to the website , after we removed a few … now the page will load correctly ~15% of the time . here is the page link



Hello Steven,

I hope you are doing well.

Kindly follow these steps,
– make sure your hosting server has sufficient resources (CPU, memory, disk space) to handle the increased number of files
– check PHP memory limit
– clear your WordPress cache, browser cache

If the problem still persists then share your admin login credentials in a private reply to check the issue.



Steven Goard
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Steven Goard
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In this case, share your admin login credentials in a private reply to check the issue


Steven Goard
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I have checked your website, whole site is taking too much time to load.
I have also disabled enabled the Download Manager plugin but still site is loading all the time.

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