Ad PopUps

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Every time someone clicks on my download links an ad pops up and then takes them to another page with an ad but will not download my freebies. I attached a screen shot of where it is taking people.




Looks like, This issue is not related to download manager. Try in another browser, you browser might have adware installed. Or send me a link so i can check if it this is not adware related.



I tried it in different browsers.

If you click on the download it shows a blank pop up. Then it goes away and just has a blank page.

It is supposed to take them to this page

And when you click download there the blank pop up comes again and downloads the file.


Here is what the blank pop up looks like.



Please provide temp login information using private reply to check the issue.

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Try deactivating other plugins and check. It seems the issue is not related to download manager.


I deactivated all my plugins and I still had the issue. Have any other tips?


Nevermind. I figured it out. Thank you for your help and time.

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