3 plugins questions: download error & plugins version

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Cheng Lien Liao

Hi! Hope this email finds you well.

Currently, we encountered an issue with the use of plugins while maintaining our client’s website. We have solved some problems so far, but there’re still some puzzling questions that we would like to ask you to answer. I have divided them into three parts: A, B, and C, to clearly explain the questions we want to ask this time.

Part A is a detailed description of the issue and the process:
A.) Current Situation Description:
Our client’s website offers advanced file viewing services for members. After logging in, members can see the available files for download on the website frontend. The image below shows what it looks like after a member logs in.
Part A

However, some of the files in the above picture can be downloaded and some cannot. If they can’t be downloaded, the message in the following picture will pop up.
Part A_message pop up

After a thorough investigation by our backend engineers, we found that it was mainly because we upgraded the PHP version to 8.2, which led to a conflict with the plugins program and some files could not be downloaded. And the following image is the error message seen in the log internal inquiry at that time.
Part A_ the error message seen in the log internal inquiry

According to the main conflict point mentioned above, we guess the reason is: after a member logs in and clicks to download a file, the displayed download count on the frontend should increase. But when we upgrade the PHP version to 8.2, this function is broken.

However, our engineers have already fixed this problem on the client’s website. Nonetheless, considering that we’ll use this plugin again in the future, we would like to ask if there is something wrong with the plugin itself? Is there any limitation on the use of this plugin? Or there is other problems?

The following part B. and C. are not related to the previous part A. Part B and C are for the “version of the plugin”.

B.) We want to understand the differences between the plugins:
So far, we found that there are two versions of Download Manager, please refer to the picture below. Therefore, we would like to ask the following two questions:
Question 1: Is version 2, Shaon’s version, discontinued?
Question 2: Is it recommended that we use the version 1 plugin in the future?

Part B_The left is the Version 1 which is constantly being updated. And the right is the Version 2 which has been discontinued.

C.) Assuming you suggest we use Version1 of the plugins:
If only “W3 Eden, Inc.” is continuously updating, we would like to convert the v4.7.9 plugin by Shaon, which we have been using for a year, to the “W3 Eden, Inc.” plugin. How should we proceed with the conversion? Can we just replace the plugins? Or will it require an import and export process? We will be grateful if you can help us on how to execute the conversion!

I hope you can respond to these questions in the above A, B, and C parts. And please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Many thanks!😃


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Cheng Lien Liao,

Hope you are well. Thanks for writing to us. For your query,

#A, For this issue, please share the related URL. if possible, please also give your temporary wp-admin login details in a private reply to check the issue.

#B, We have two versions of the WPDM main plugin, one is Free and the other is PRO, free you shall get it from here, https://wordpress.org/plugins/download-manager/. And for PRO you shall get it from here, https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/user-dashboard/?udb_page=purchases, after purchasing from here, https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/pricing/.

For #C, I think this is v4.7.9 PRO version you are using, if you have already purchased the plugin you can download it from here, https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/user-dashboard/?udb_page=purchases.

Please kindly check and let me know.

Thank you and regards


Cheng Lien Liao

Dear Nayeem Riddhi,

Sorry for the late reply.

Due to the previous issue description, the images did not display correctly, so our thoughts were not fully conveyed when expressing the questions. Here, I am reattaching the images and text descriptions so that you can better understand the issues we would like you to answer.


Currently, we encountered an issue with the use of plugins while maintaining our client’s website. We have solved some problems so far, but there’re still some puzzling questions that we would like to ask you to answer. I have divided them into three parts: A, B, and C, to clearly explain the questions we want to ask this time.

Part A is a detailed description of the issue and the process:

A.) Current Situation Description:
Our client’s website oPers advanced file viewing services for members. After logging in, members can see the available files for download on the website frontend. The image below shows what it looks like after a member logs in.
Part A

However, some of the files in the above picture can be downloaded and some cannot. If they can’t be downloaded, the message in the following picture will pop up.
Part A_message pop up

After a thorough investigation by our backend engineers, we found that it was mainly because we upgraded the PHP version to 8.2, which led to a conflict with the plugins program and some files could not be downloaded. And the following image is the error message seen in the log internal inquiry at that time.
Part A_ the error message seen in the log internal inquiry

According to the main conflict point mentioned above, we guess the reason is: after a member logs in and clicks to download a file, the displayed download count on the frontend should increase. But when we upgrade the PHP version to 8.2, this function is broken.

However, our engineers have already fixed this problem on the client’s website. Nonetheless, considering that we’ll use this plugin again in the future, we would like to ask if there is something wrong with the plugin itself? Is there any limitation on the use of this plugin? Or there is other problems?

The following part B. and C. are not related to the previous part A. Part B and C are for the “version of the plugin”.

B.) We want to understand the diAerences between the plugins:
So far, we found that there are two versions of Download Manager, please refer to the picture below. Therefore, we would like to ask the following two questions:
Question 1: Is version 2, Shaon’s version, discontinued?
Question 2: Is it recommended that we use the version 1 plugin in the future?

The left is the Version 1 which is constantly being updated. And the right is the Version 2 which has been discontinued.

C.) Assuming you suggest we use Version1 of the plugins:
If only “W3 Eden, Inc.” is continuously updating, we would like to convert the v4.7.9 plugin by Shaon, which we have been using for a year, to the “W3 Eden, Inc.” plugin. How should we proceed with the conversion? Can we just replace the plugins? Or will it require an import and export process? We will be grateful if you can help us on how to execute the conversion!

I hope you can respond to these questions in the above A, B, and C parts. And please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Many thanks!😃
Have a good day!




I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for the disruption in our services over the past couple of days. Unfortunately, we have experienced an unexpected technical issue due to a fire incident that broke out in our data center. This incident has caused a collapse of the internet connection country-wide, and as a result, we are currently not fully operational.

We will reach out to you as soon as the problem is resolved and ensure that your concerns are addressed promptly.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.



Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Cheng Lien Liao,

I have already checked your image and description, please check my reply here,
#A, For this issue, please share the related URL. if possible, please also give your temporary wp-admin login details in a private reply to check the issue.

#B, We have two versions of the WPDM main plugin, one is Free and the other is PRO, free you shall get it from here, https://wordpress.org/plugins/download-manager/. And for PRO you shall get it from here, https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/user-dashboard/?udb_page=purchases, after purchasing from here, https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/pricing/.

For #C, I think this is v4.7.9 PRO version you are using, if you have already purchased the plugin you can download it from here, https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/user-dashboard/?udb_page=purchases.

Please kindly check and let me know.

Thank you and regards

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