List of available WordPress Pro Membership shortcodes.
[wppm_plans ids="1,3,2" cols=3 desc=1 featured=3 style="default or smooth or card" featured_color="primary or success or info or danger" planurl="checkout page url"]
Place this shortcode on a page to show all of your membership plans/levels. Shortcode Parameters are optional.
To show/hide contents based on membership subscription level. You can use it in post content. Examples: [wpmembership level="3"]...[/wpmembership]
When you create a page with this shortcode, that page will be used to serve membership downloads. A user can download all membership files he subscribed to from this page. There is WPDM User Dashboard tab labeled "Membership Items" to access member downloads. So this shortcode is an additional option for you if you want to place member downloads on a different page.
This shortcode creates a member profile page which shows all info about the user's membership plans and lists all invoices. There is a WPDM User Dashboard tab for this which is labeled "Subscription Plan".
However, the download area and subscribed plans are also manageable from the user dashboard.
For any technical issue, if you are already using pro version please post in pro forum and free version users please post in free forum. Otherwise, if you have any pre-sale or order related query please contact live chat support team. For technical support.