- After purchase your download will be available on orders page
- Download the plugin pack from there
- Go to the WordPress administration panel and select “Add New” under the Plugins navigation. On the Install Plugins page, click on the “upload” link (below the page title) and you will be presented with a file upload form. Click the “BROWSE” button and then select the zip file from your desktop and then click the “ok” or “open” button (depending on browser).
- Once the file has been selected you can then click on the “Install Now” button to upload the plugin. WordPress will upload and unzip the plugin file.
- Once the plugin has been uploaded you will be presented with a confirmation screen that the plugin was installed successfully. You will now need to activate the plugin. On the upload confirmation screen you will see an “Activate Plugin” link that you will need to click on in order to activate Download Manager.
[wpdm-archive] – use the short-code inside page or post content to show directory like interface for wpdm
[wpdm-categories] – Use the short-code inside page or post content to show all categories, default 2 columns
for 3 cols
[wpdm-categories cols=3]
for 4 cols
[wpdm-categories cols=4]
for 1 col
[wpdm-categories cols=1]
if you want to change icon, use icon=icon url, like:
[wpdm-categories cols=3 icon=”×16/apps/ark2.png”]