File not downloading

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I have a website that I’ve been working on since early May. At that time, download manager was working great. I have updated several minor releases since then. Each time I have to update functions.php to remove references to font-awesome since there is a conflict between the theme we are using and your plugin. Other than that, I have not made any changes to your code.

However, the site is ready to go live and I was doing some final testing and realized that the files not longer download. When I click the “download” link, the download count is updated but the files never actually download. I don’t see any errors in the console and I am at a loss as what to what to do next.

Any suggestions?


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Additional information from testing I’ve done today.

I uploaded a new file and it has better results, but not great.

When I click “download” the file actually downloads to my PC, however the screen “busy” graphic in the theme is displayed and never goes away (The theme is the Salient Theme from Elegant Themes) and the download count is incremented by 2 – it goes from 0 to 2 to 4, etc.

The original file that I updated May 14, still does not download at all.

Do all files have to be re-uploaded every time the plugin is upgraded?

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