Download Category Not Displaying Posts

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Good morning!

I stumbled upon your plugin and love it! Very easy to use and will help us provide some great download statistics.

I need help with getting the Category to pull up the posts I want displayed under that category. Maybe I am doing it wrong.

What I’ve done is created two categories: Bulletin and Newsletter.

For our navigation menu, I have the Bulletin link going to the main download page where both types will be listed (we’re okay with that – the bulletin is published weekly and the newsletter quarterly).

For the newsletters, I created an item in the navigation menu and linked it to

but when I follow the link, it displays an error message

Nothing Found
Sorry, no posts matched your criteria

Is there a way to get the newsletter posts to appear on a page? Is there a short code I can use …. if I create a page called newsletter, is there a way to display only those posts on that page?

Thanks very much for your help!




To show all packages of categories you have to use [wpdm_category id="Category Slug(s)"]. All short-code information are listed here Thanks.

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